
Finally, I made up my mind...

Forget about why I keep forgetting how to use the tools or why this isn’t the same as Yahoo Blog or why my true name is revealed or why I can’t get into the others’ homepages and many more whys… I promise myself.

Why did you start writing in this medium in the first place?

I… I guess… I want to save up my own fleeting thoughts and memories for myself and myself only before they vanish.

Still hold true?

Mostly, but that changes a bit recently – writing now is for myself and whoever finds sharing a good means to reconfirm one’s own authenticity and the common humanities - charity, desire, understanding, benevolence, sympathy… and also hatred, disappointment, grief and mortality.

So, I finally made up my mind - I came over here to continue with the journey. All these whys should be out of my mind and let writing be the old way, the only way – to write for myself and whoever…
I had a great year or so at Yahoo Blog, so a special thank-you to this doomed old tiger and also my gratitude to those visited me from time to time.

If people are destined to meet, they will, somewhere and somehow. I see people as soap bubbles flowing under the sun, beautiful and forever moving. When they decide to take a rest, they rest forever. This past year, I met many colorful bubbles, even though briefly, they lit up my corner. At the start of this new writing venture that doesn’t promise how and where it goes, there is a call within me to retell the stories of a few glimpses of the life of two bubbles happened to cross my path momentarily when they were resisting to take the eternal rest in the green wilderness. They left their marks on my path quite beyond my expectation as if we had known for years, so it is my honor to tell their stories. Yet, I would rather them tell their stories.

A bubble that prepared well for its landing…

A bubble that made it last forever…

How did these encounters happen? I think it is the magic of blogging. So stay blogging. Let the bubbles fly under the wings of the breeze to where it takes.


54 則留言:

  1. Yes, I remember pink panther.

    1. Dear Gravel , Sister Mia ... Just to say Hello' .... Have a good time ...

    2. Hi Mia and Josephine,
      My apology to you two. I was a bit busy at work and did not have the time to make contact with most blogmates.
      I was touched by him.

    3. Gravel, yes, I am very busy too. Don't worry. I know you are around.
      Have a great day! And wish you a happy mid-autumn festival.

  2. Gravel, 用bubble來形容網誌的過客是最貼切不過了。

    1. Hi 小猴,
      Really glad we came visit me. I was quite busy and have not made contacts with most old blogmates yet.
      Yes, the encounters may be like bubbles, but all bubbles are perfect and unique, having different colours under the sun.

  3. 人生本來就是無常的。能夠在這個新平台再相遇已經很不錯矣!

    1. 說得一點也不錯!
      Thanks for visiting.

  4. Wow, what a good piece of sharing. Well, yes, when we truly look into the things that we see everyday, we can see a lot of meaningful things, of course there are many those we do not want to forget, perhaps writing here is a tool for memory.

    1. Hi C'est la vie,
      Guess you have sorted out the problem to find my new blog.
      Yes, I enjoy seeing things around me and observing how people behave. There are more we can learn than just talking.
      Writing here is definitely free means to keep our memories alive.

  5. Has been quite chaotic with google plus etc,.... But making more sense now .....finally !
    Autumn !

    1. I was just about to catch up with you.
      Totally agree with you that google+ was making me very confused as I never use FB or stuff like that.
      I will visit your tomorrow evening as it is getting late here and its Monday when dawn comes!
      Have a great new week.

  6. Old bubbles never die, they just fade away...

    1. No they don't.
      That's why I like writing because they fade away and I lose my memory.
      You have two long pieces, so I'll visit you tomorrow instead because it's getting very late again.

  7. Hi Gravel I have just added following you again, see if it works better....

    1. Autumn is my google plus name, once joined my message does not use blog name anymore ! Sad !

    2. You are right, once added to google+, quite a lot of things changes includind my name as well.
      Never mind!

    3. But I like my new name....called Bygones ah !!! hahah...

    4. OK,Bygones,a belated happy mid autumn festival.

  8. Writing in Sincerity with a capital letter "S" is a form of self-expression, a kind of "monologue" that may stem from self-examination, confession, apology, love, sympathy, gratitude, joy, ecstasy, and what not. Writing, besides painting, photography, video and sound recording, allows us to commit our feelings to permanent records. And once committed to record, the contents should never be edited, for the original is always the truest and most sincere.
    Let's write on, not for the sake of writing, but for the joy of sharing.
    May Pinkpanther and Hubbywhite rest in peace! They are gone but not forgotten!
    And wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

    1. Writing a blog is a rather unique experience. It is as you say a monologue to start with but can end up becoming a polylogue after the send button is pressed. Sharing, to me, is quite different from responding qualitatively and emotively and both serve different personal needs. Sharing definitely demands a higher level of commitment but is more rewarding. It does help me to organize my otherwise messy and incoherent threads of thoughts.
      Stay blogging and sharing.
      Wish you a happy mid autumn festival. Writing in a serious traffic jam on the way to the old man 's home for a simple dinner.

  9. Glad that you have finally made up your mind to write your blog in the new realm.

    In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.

    All the very best!

    1. Thanks Chiu Gor for your encouragement! I guess you must have a great time under the full mid autumn moon, writing up lyric poems.
      Life can be like the moon tonight - it should be bright and round but was blocked out by the dark clouds. With the gentle westerly winds, it revealed its true colours when we least expected it. We should be thankful for that even though it is the same old moon we saw last evening and the evening before.
      Have a great long weekend.

  10. ykk ~ good decision and starting....

    god gives us all the life but not everything, so we need to treasure everything that we got and meet! i have no any plan yet and will stay at yahoo until halloween...

    1. Thanks ykk for your visit.
      Hope you had a great mid autumn festival evening.
      Most of us came with the same pumping heart, breathing lungs, crying mouth, grabbing hands and kicking legs but end up having bags of belongings down the road. We are not going to gather the same stuff again because the road does not have a U-turn, so treasure everything we gather and encounter.
      Wish you well.

  11. Hi Gravel,
    How is your Moon festival? Did you manage to see the full moon? My here is .....horrible, with pouring rain. Nevermind....the weather is changing....winter is coming already....: / Have a nice weekend ....

    1. Oh sorry missed this one. The Moon festival passed peacefully as usual. Had a simple dinner with the old folks. They were pleased as I called to come in the afternoon. The moon here was big and bright but could only be seen on and off because of the thick clouds. We are expecting a super-storm in the weekend.
      Have a nice weekend, hopefully dry and warm.

  12. I remember Pinkpanther too. He's a great spirit: calm, resolute, positive and true to the last. A great friendship developed between us and he said his only regret is that we met so late. But better late than never. Though he died. I deleted none of his blogs. For me, he's still alive, in his blog!The blog space may be virtual, but the feelings are not!

    1. Thank you El Zorro for your dropping by. Guess you are less busy on this public (or bank) holiday. Sometimes, the virtual world, without the embarrassment of seeing others face to face and having the freedom to writing on or quitting right away, can be an unusually good place to start up and maintain a friendship. This is why I consider myself having had a good year at Y! Blog.
      Visited your blogs a couple of days ago and left a brief note, but got distracted while reading through them and as your writings always require certain "chewing", I will come back later.

  13. 回覆
    1. Hi 悲傷 (這樣稱呼可以嗎?)

  14. Hi Gravel! I finally got time to check out your new blog home. It does take some time to get used to the new platform but at the meantime let's keep writing, sharing and communicating :) Have a good one!

    1. Hi Vicky,
      Thanks for visiting me. It is different from Yahoo but I'm sure to can handle it pretty OK. I'm not too much into the social media networking but writing is good for the time being so let's see.

  15. 寫給自己看, 可能最舒暢自由, 加油!

    1. Hi Key,

  16. 懷念在Y!BLOG中的網友,相信是許多人希望在這裏再續前緣的原因。
    這正是不少人在這裏續寫的原因。 ^_^

    1. 很同意呢!有空多來打個招呼。

  17. 很喜歡有這麼一個園地舒發自己,認識網友,大家斯文有禮,把好的與人分享,我學了很多,開心很多,受益不淺.

    1. 是的!不祇一般的社交拜訪,也有很多真摯分享和智慧分享。

  18. 舊的網址雖然截停了, 新的平台可以繼續彼此分享生活中的一點一滴...多好!.... ^0^

    1. 光踪,

  19. I just wanted to share when I first started blogging. Now, after almost 1 year, we were asked to move from Yahoo! Blog to other platforms and I finally realised how fortunate I was using Yahoo! Blog for my first year. I have really made some friends :")

    1. Hi 豆丁,
      I have been around at Yahoo for several years but only started interacting with others since June 2012. Since then it has been a great experience. I have been visiting your blog page at Yahoo and here and find your blogs full of wits, funs and helpful information. Somehow I treat your new blog page like a BlogSpot reference book! Keep up with the great spirit! I'm a slow blogger, very slow actually, so my blog site is quite barren but I'll visit you and others regularly.
      Have a great week.

  20. 人們常說,放下過去,繼續向前,但不管怎豁達,不管手上放下了多少,我們心中仍然是緊緊地抓著一點點的回憶,不能說放就放!即使那些東西對別人來說是毫無意義,但對自己而言,那就是我曾經在這世上活過的証明。我到過的地方,我見過的東西,愛過、恨過、吃過、遇上過、觸摸過、最重要是自己的親身經歷過和感受!這次搬blog行動,可算是又感受良多啊!大家繼續努力,寫好自己的人生!^0^

    1. 說得對呀,見過、愛過、恨過、吃過...都會變成過去,不變的過去,現下記下來的必定變成將來記憶的印記!Just enjoy writing.

  21. Gravel, 謝謝你的到訪。難得在這裡又重遇了。抱歉家中瑣事繁忙,未暇多所探望各位。

    1. 我也多謝秋葉阿姨到訪,剛遊貴Y! Blog,得悉你生活上有所改變,願你快樂地享受每時每刻。

    2. 人生不過是匆匆過客,淡然而樂觀,活得其所。

  22. Do you think you have made the right decision?


Thanks for your sharing...