don’t like walking the beach but the seafront;
can’t swim but take pleasure in soaking my feet in the waves;
‘m not interested in sea cruises but enjoy watching the churning white water at
the tail of a sailing ship.
That must be to do with my genes passing down from my ancestral origin. I
believe the sea is where we came from and so did other living creatures. It is
the beginning and possibly the final destination. Having such a belief, I am
amazed why I never succeed in learning to swim. As a consolation, I do acquire
the skills to dive, just deep sea diving without surfacing though.
On the third day afternoon of this Lunar New Year, I took the liberty to have a lazy stroll along the nearby seafront, to break away from the daily demands of living. It was still unusually cold but I made the correct decision as there were few people as crazy as I were and most of the businesses were still closed.